AgendaTo pool resources and information from all 4 of us, and establish a rough timeline to get things done.
Basic Information (Wikipedia)Autism is a brain development disorder that follows a steady course wihtout remission or relapse. The number of people known to have autism has increased dramatically since the 1980s, at least partly due to changes in diagnostic practice; the question of whether prevalence has increased is unresolved.
Autism MAY co-occur with learning disorders (dyslexia, dysgraphia etc) OR may not be accompanied BY (instead of with) any of these at all.
It is a very complex disorder and the needs of these individuals vary greatly. There is no cure. Autism is defined in the DSM-IV-TR as exhibiting at least six symptoms total, including at least two symptoms of qualitative impairment in social interaction, at least one symptom of qualitative impairment in communication, and at least one symptom of restricted and repetitive behavior. Sample symptoms include lack of social or emotional reciprocity, stereotyped and repetitive use of language or idiosyncratic language, and persistent preoccupation with parts of objects. Onset must be prior to age three years, with delays or abnormal functioning in either social interaction, language as used in social communication, or symbolic or imaginative play.
Common Myths & MisconceptionsX Autism is a disease
X Autism is caused by bad parenting
X An autistic child is a genius
X Autism can be outgrown
X All autistics are the same
X Autistics have limited potentials
X Autism is an emotional disability
X Autistic children like to be alone
Statistics (to be updated)Some 24,000 out of 4 millions are affected (Source: Autism Resource Centre)
5,472 under the age of 9.
2,500 with mild abilities in mainstream schools (Reseach Centre, 2005)
ScreeningParents should look out for signs of unusual behaviors in their child. Signs exhibit themselves before the age of three. As postponing treatment may affect long-term outcome, any of the following signs is reason to have a child evaluated by a specialist without delay:
- No babbling by 12 months.
- No gesturing (pointing, waving goodbye, etc.) by 12 months.
- No single words by 16 months.
- No two-word spontaneous phrases (not including echolalia) by 24 months.
- Any loss of any language or social skills, at any age.
Costs approx $550 - $680 per assessment. We found that KK hospital provides subsidised screenings, but we have yet to find out how much and if there is a waiting list.
Individual Educational Plan- ABA Therapy (Applied Behavioural Analysis)
The ideal scenario involves an autistic child attending classes everyday for 8 hours/day. It costs $50 to $85/hr. Most families can only afford to send their child in 3 days a week as it is very costly. Parents have the option to obtain a certificate that in ABA therapy, but they can also do training for their children at home with training and professional guidance. (Cost unknown atm)
Contacts to follow up onChild Psychologists - Jermaine/Lynne
Chetan Rupa - Daphne
Drummer - Elsie
Sponsors/Fund contributors - all
To Do List1. Tie up with existing organizations
2. MOE
3. Government clearance
4. Campaign direction
a. videos - existing docos for schs
b. free talks
c. media coverage
d. advertising - sponsors, funding, ads
e. info @ CCs, schools, HDBs
5. Location - to be confirmed
a. rental
b. tentage/power etc
c. info dissemination (printing?)
d. manpower - volunteers
Work DelegationCurrently, we need to do the following:
1. informal survey about public perception of autism
2. Hit the library for old articles on microfilm
3. Check papers/mags for current articles
4. research on existing orgs - formulate email templates only
ELSIE: Autism Association / Singapore Autistic Schools
JERMS: your school and others not on our list
LYNNE: Pathlight / Autism Resource Centre (stats)
TIAN: St Andrew's Autism Centre
5. Other additional research
ELSIE: mags, associations
JERMS: Schools (cost, subsidiaries/help), therapy
LYNNE: Govt help (MOE), screening subsidies
TIAN: Info compilation, support groups, website
ConclusionA lot more research needs to be done before we can form any concrete plans. We must be focused and organized so as to be taken seriously. Next meeting is set for
21 NOV 07, WED to review our timeline, additional information and resources, and to update known statistics.
PS: Girls, I will email you Lynne's research materials individually.